Classical Ballet Beginner


Classical ballet is the “queen of dances.” When it first emerged, it  was the sole privilege of the royal family to practise ballet. It is  characterized by elegance, ethereal motion and hard work. It develops  special muscles, employs the stretching techniques of yoga, and develops  coordination to an exceptional extent. Through a system of techniques, I help you to get  closer to yourself.

We practise perseverance, concentration,  self-discipline approached through the body, as well as body awareness.  While in ballet the form is significant, it is only of secondary  importance in my classes. What really matters is what is happening  within you. In classical ballet, there is a fixed order and system of  ballet movements, which anyone can learn. The best part of this form of  dance is that we reach to the sky , going higher and higher to achieve our dreams.

Classical ballet for beginners. We suggest this cours for all those practioner who have had attend a ballet class before or/and took our Online Ballet Basics cours!
It is important because there are details, principal what we are not explaning in the beginner course.

This course is more then 75 min
and most of the time we only demostrate the excercises to one
Please do all excercises to both sides: right (when your
left hend is on the barre, and your „working sde” is your riht
side, which is away from the barre), and left (when your right hend
is on the barre, and your „working side” is your left side.)

What the course includes:

  • basic excersises at the
    barre- in the correct order, basic preparation excercises at the
    center, 1 small jump and 2 different diadonal turn preparation.

  • At all excercises we
    demonstrate the common mistakes and we show the correct way of
    performing the excercises

Course description:

We do everything in the correct
order of the classical ballet. Please follow the order!

1.barre excercises:  the
correct posture, warm up with relevé-s (half pointe), plié (knee
bending). Always explaning the incorrect way and the correct way of
performing the specific excercises.

2.barre excercises: tendus,
jetés. Always explaning the incorrect way and the correct way of
performing the specific excercises.

3. barre excercises:  rond de
jambe par terre, fondu, passé, frappé. Always explaning the
incorrect way and the correct way of performing the specific

4.barre excercises: adagio,
grand battement tendu. Center excercises: plié, tendu. Always
explaning the incorrect way and the correct way of performing the
specific excercises.

5. Center excercises: jeté,
rond de jambe par terre, fondu, preparation for piruettes (turns).
Always explaning the incorrect way and the correct way of performing
the specific excercises.

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!

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Enrolled: 667 students
Duration: 1.5 total hours
