How To Write Raps And Freestyle Effortlessly


This Course Is For You If:

  • You’ve always wanted to learn how to rap

  • You are a rapper and are looking to improve your skills

  • You’ve stopped writing raps and need some motivation to start up again

  • You don’t have a lot of free time but want to learn a new skill

What Is Included In This Course:

I will teach you what I’ve learned in the past 10 years about making rap songs. You will be shown how to find inspiration to start your songs and write consistently. I will give a full 75 minute demonstration of writing a song front to back, with verses and choruses. A full “off-the-dome” freestyle demonstration will also be given, along with tips on how to start and improve your freestyling. Also, I will uncover how I was able to kill off writer’s block and complete a challenge I set for myself to write 1000 songs in only 1000 days. You will also be provided with a free eBook detailing what I learned from completing this challenge.

We will discuss finding your own unique style and how to be influenced by your idols without sounding too much like them. I will cover the importance of your song’s impact on your intended audience and why it may matter even more so than your execution. Also covered will be how to avoid procrastination and to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who will help hold you to a higher standard in terms of your artistry. Provided will be questions you should be asking yourself to see if your song is really finished and ready to be recorded.

I’ll show you why quantity is actually BETTER than quality when it comes to pumping out new song ideas. Staying on beat, flow, and breath control will all be defined for you. If you prefer to learn offline to avoid distractions, I have given all my students the option to download my lecture videos. At the end of the course, I will provide you with free song ideas for you to get started making your own rap songs right away!

Whether you want to make music just for the love of it, or one day have it paying all your bills, I think this course can help any beginner or intermediate emcee improve their skills and confidence to pursue their passion. Hip Hop has been a passion of mine since I started in 2010 and if you haven’t begun this journey or have taken a break from it, this is your chance to start or start anew.

I’m ready when you are. 🙂

What you’ll learn

  • How to write a full rap song

  • How to freestyle “off-the-dome”

  • How to defeat writer’s block

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!

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Enrolled: 104 students
Duration: 3 total hours
