Learn How to Play Native American Flute


How to Play Native American Flute

Welcome to your adventure where you will learn how to play the native american flute. It will be a fantastic and fun journey, where you will go from a complete beginner, to being able to play this amazing instrument with emotion and soul in your performances.

In this course you will learn all the insights into how this instrument works, the basic techniques on how to play it, and how to get past the most common issues most beginners will struggle with.

And when you are ready, you will even learn the advanced techniques you can use to add expression and emotion into your performances.

The course will focus on the most common type of native american flute, which is the standard 6 hole flute. I am going to use these two different flutes for all my demonstrations in this course, one is in low D, and the other in A. However, everything you will learn in this course will apply to any 6 hole native american flute, regardless of the key of your flute. So it does not matter if yours is in G, F# or any other key, as long as it is a 6 hole native american flute.

After learning how to play this instrument, you will get so much joy for many years to come. You can use it for meditation and spiritual healing, for playing tunes and songs, or even for making your own music. So don’t hesitate. I promise you it is well worth your time to truly learn how to play the native american flute. Because playing any music instrument is one of the most creative and satisfying experiences in life. So let’s start your journey on the native american flute, right now!

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Enrolled: 95 students
Duration: 3 total hours
