Play Acoustic Guitar 2: Rhythm Fundamentals


Welcome to Play Acoustic Guitar 2: Rhythm & Lead Fundamentals – the second leg of your TrueFire Learning Path journey towards becoming a solid Acoustic guitar player.

This Acoustic Learning Path core course is presented by 3 top TrueFire educators: Corey Congilio, Brooks Robertson, and David Hamburger.

They’ll guide your development of the essential skills and get up and running quickly — no reading music, no boring exercises, no tedious theory to struggle through. In fact, you’ll play your way through the entire course.

In Play Acoustic Guitar 1 you learned some chords, fingerstyle patterns and a couple of songs. Here in Play Acoustic Guitar 2, you’re going to venture even further down the path with scales, more rhythms, more fingerstyle patterns, and more cool chords. For example, you’ll learn how to get more motion from your fingerstyle patterns. You’ll learn how to play and apply an essential scale. Barre Chords open up the entire acoustic songbook, and you’ll learn a few of them and then use them to learn and play more songs. You’ll wrap up the course learning a great blues tune with alternating bass lines.

The educators demonstrate all of the key examples over jam tracks (where and when applicable) to simulate a real-world application, in a musical context. All of the key examples are also tabbed and notated for your practice, reference and study purposes.

You’ll also get Guitar Pro files so that you can play, loop or slow down the tab and notation as you work through the lessons. Plus, you’ll have all of the available jam tracks to work with on your own.

Take as much time as you need to work through each video guitar lesson before moving on to the next lesson. If you want to dig deeper or wider into any of the topics covered in this core course, check out the recommended supplementary courses in your learning path where you’ll find more examples, techniques and insight from top TrueFire educators.

Grab your guitar and let’s get started!

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!

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Enrolled: 1167 students
Duration: 1.5 total hours
