7 Guided Meditations for the Great Shift


Welcome to this new Udemy class of Magic Vibrations Healing with Demian Haye!

In this class, called “7 Guided meditations for the Great Shift”, we will explore 7 powerful tools to help you in your spiritual development and your Ascension process.

Along the years, I have practiced and taught many different guided meditations. These are the 7 most powerful ones, that I wish to share with you in these days of Great Change.

We all noticed that the world is evolving fast. This is a time where the Universe is being reborn, with new laws and new concepts. We are shifting from the old paradigm to the new.

This process of transition is not always easy for us, and these meditations will help you to cope with this powerful transformation that is taking place.

The 7 guided meditations presented here are:

· Healing your Tree of Life, a meditation to heal and re-actualize your self-image and the way you perceive ourselves.

· Merging with your Cosmic Self, a meditation to expand your field of awareness until you blend with the greater Self, beyond the ultimate Horizon Event.

· The Rose Gold meditation, a practice to harmonize the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within us to give birth to the Divine Child, embracing Trinity of Consciousness vs duality.

· The Rose Matrix meditation, a meditation to reconnect to the original Master Plan of Creator and to disconnect from dystopian, catastrophic potential futures.

· The Chakra Rose meditation, a practice to clear your chakras through visualization to allow new fresh energy to flow in your system.

· The Quantum Double Self, a meditation to tune and communicate with your Shamanic Double, a higher aspect of Self that exists in a timeless dimension.

· The Psychic Veil meditation, a meditation to activate an intelligent self adjustable protection around you, to keep you away from harm.

The regular practice of these meditations will help you to be prepared for the changes that are coming. You can choose to practice some of them more often, or simply to listen to your current needs.

See it as a Quantum Leap into your own spiritual evolution. Of course, it requires practice but believe me, it’s worth it. You will notice the changes in your life soon after starting.

So, are you ready for this new Journey into the Self?

Listen to your Heart and choose what feels right for you!

With all my Blessings,

Demian Haye

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Enrolled: 619 students
Duration: 3.5 total hours
