Public Speaking for Beginner


“There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience.” – Alexander Gregg

Public speaking has always been that skill that many people are afraid to pursue. What is the reason behind the fear of mastering public speaking skills? Why are so many members of the younger generation these so afraid of speaking in public? We are here to answer your questions!

Our course aims to guide students on a step by step guide on how to conquer that fear and becomes a better speaker in the future. After all, a good speaker expresses himself well and we all aim to be someone like that. This course will mainly focus on the tips and tricks on how to become a better speaker on stage and in public for beginners. It seems like the trait of speaking professionally in public is more and more desired in the market and people who can express their ideas really well are the benchmark for our students. We aim to help the students reach to a level where they can be confident in their own shoes and elevate their self esteem.

The objectives of our course are mainly the following:

  1. Gain confidence with effective and fluent speaking.

  2. Develop strong eye contact.

  3. Better communicate with others.

  4. Develop impressive critical and creative thinking skills.

  5. Develop impressive leadership skills.

We aim to help youths in becoming more confident and well-elaborated when expressing themselves to the public.

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Enrolled: 118 students
Duration: 31 total mins
