Voice Training for a Confident and Powerful Voice


Do you hate the sound of your voice? Do you get the feeling that others tune out or even cringe at the sound of your voice, making you feel less and less confident? Do you wish you had a powerful rich voice that can command a room at work, home, on videos or in any social situation? Do you get intimidated by great speakers and get the feeling that what they have is unattainable? I’m here to tell you that IT IS VERY ATTAINABLE! You just have to know where to look. Well, your search is over.

Hi, I’m Gabriel Burrafato from GB Voice Academy.  I’m an award winning, Broadway credited voice coach and professional voice actor based out of Los Angeles. I have over 20 years of performing and voice training experience and have studied with the best of the best in the industry. I have coached Presidents, CEOs, Attorneys, Doctors, Consultants, A-List Actors, and many others to stimulate confidence and unlock the true power of their voice.

What sets me apart from others? Unlike other voice coaches that regurgitate the same jargon over and over, my Voice Training for a Confident and Powerful Voice course is designed to give you the EDGE on your speaking skills. I will be teaching you the exact skills and techniques professional stage actors use to command an audience. Ever wonder how stage actors can grab the attention of an audience for 2 hours a day, 8 shows a week, with such articulation and power, WITHOUT LOOSING THER VOICE?! That takes a specific set of skills that I will be sharing with you here. We will unveil the secrets of what makes great speakers great! Together we will UNLOCK THE TRUE  POWER OF YOUR VOICE AND BE HEARD!

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!

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Enrolled: 805 students
Duration: 1 total hour
